Utilize these Strategy Codes to determine the best applications for our supportive learning tools.

To make a change, one must know what to change.
Demystifying solves the mystery of a child's difference related to any of the following; learning, social, speaking, walking, coordination, seeing, hearing, etc. Demystifying provides insight to the child's specific difference to have clarity about their unique abilities, embrace their differences, and to empower controlling choices and self advocacy.
For example, a child newly diagnosed with dyslexia can be demystified by learning more about the Broca's area of the brain where the smallest unit of sound (phoneme) is processed for reading and spelling.
MRIs are abundant to show a child how the brain with dyslexia utilizes the right hemisphere more than it should during reading and spelling, and does not utilize the left side, Broca's area, to process sounds necessary for reading and spelling. Further, sharing that their reading program is very specialized and researched scientifically to help increase activity in the Broca's area to improve reading and spelling ensures the reading difference is not their lack of effort.
Often children do not know about their difference, but do know they have to be seen by a doctor more than their peers, receive instruction in a different classroom, and their parents meet with the school staff to discuss their child. The result can be internalizing self-doubt and negative thoughts that something serious must be wrong.
We suggest honest and open dialogue using age appropriate language, pictures showing the brain, or other children with similar differences that are visible, and allow time for questions and answers and loving embraces.
Kids Encyclopedia offers excellent child-centered verbiage and pictures to support with demystifying: Search topic of interest, such as Brain, Learning, Sensory, Mental Health, Central and Peripheral Nervous Systems, Limbic System.

The purpose of writing a social narrative with your child is to support skill acquisition of a behavior that is not being consistently applied or a new skill that is being introduced.
We suggest the following:
Use real-life pictures of the child doing the act of the desired skill
Include the child in creating the narrative; that allows for improved self-awareness needed to acquire the skill
For younger children, we recommend creating the social narrative into a book format - simply staple the pages together in a sequential format is all that is needed
For middle to high school and beyond, we recommend writing the steps out needed for the narrative in bulleted format
Read and review the social narrative with the child; have the child act out the steps
Critically important; social narratives should focus ONLY on what can be done. Social Narratives are positive based and provide insight to socially acceptable behavior
The protocol works well with RP, VM, PFE
Carol Gray, creator and author of Social Stories™ provides excellent insight regarding the power of Social Stories. For more in-depth understanding, we recommend visiting Carol Gray's website:

The act of doing enhances learning.
The actions of a child challenged by behavior can set him/her apart from peers. The ultimate goal of the Anchor Teaching Framework is to pre-plan an alternative action to follow when becoming emotionally challenged.
Role Play is the act of doing; acting out a plan to support the child remaining in class to avoid damaging self-esteem when being removed.
The following is suggested:
Demystify the child's behavior - fight, flight, or fear response anchored in the Central Nervous System, 8 Sensory Systems, and the Limbic System
Encourage the child to engage in open and honest dialogue about their behavior, validate the emotions felt when behavior can't be controlled
Planning focuses on one of our 8 sensory systems, interception - physical sensations from inside the body, such as heart racing, fists clenched, teeth grinding, etc. signaling an emotional response is quickly emerging
With the child, facilitate creating a plan of action to redirect their response to their emotions based on their psychological signals identified during the preplanning
Role Play by asking the child to physically touch the areas responding (heart), follow the alternative plan to avoid an emotional outburst
The protocol includes SN, PC, PFE

Video Modeling has been widely researched and determined to be anchored in Albert Bandura's Social Learning Theory; observing behavior and modeling what is seen has an impact on behavior. Bandura's 4 steps modeling process; Attention, Retention, Reproduction, and Motivation are utilized in video modeling. Proven to influence behavior for the purpose of increasing expected behavior in all areas of life; academic, social, and emotional; seeing through video is learning for life.
Learning is complex, but the application of video modeling taps into every step of Social Learning Theory; attention is instant when seeing oneself on a video, both retention and reproduction are increased, and the outcome results in intrinsic motivation to continue to display expected behavior.
We suggest the following protocol to achieve a goal you and your child have determined as a need:
Demystify the behavior - share the complexity of all human behavior anchored in the Central Nervous System, 8 Sensory Systems, and the Limbic System (assure the child they are not alone)
Plan together for an alternative response when your child experiences emotional dysregulation
Write a social narrative together that defines the steps of the child's plan. Take photos of your child acting out the steps of the plan
Support your child with sequencing the pictures of the plan to write the social narrative
With the child, create a video modeling the expected steps to follow when emotionally dysregulated
Review for retention, preproduction, and motivation to continue
video modeling RELATED PRODUCTS

picture cue
Utilizing visual support for a child who has either a learning challenge, mild hearing loss, anxiety, ADHD, listening comprehension deficits, receptive and/or expressive language deficits, or other neurological challenges, such as autism often experience compromised listening ability. Use of real-life picture cues is supported through many research studies. What is seen increases the likelihood the child will acquire skills more quickly to become habitual.
Phase 1: We suggest to use real photographs of the child in action during a pre-teaching skills practice. Use your phone or camera to take pictures of the child doing what CAN be done. Avoid statements and pictures regarding what not to do; remember, children remember what is what to do only.
Phase 2: The following options are suggested, but not extensive:
For directions; when making a request to follow directions, couple your verbal directive with the picture cue taken during the pre-teaching phase showing what can be done.
Learning self-care skills, such as washing hands, display picture cues to complete the steps of the task; the how to do! The goal is to teach independence for life.
When calming is needed, use a picture cue as a reminder to use strategies to assist with calming. It is wise to not include verbal directives when a child is challenged by emotional dysregulation.
The link below listed is for your review:

praise for effort
Children want to experience success. Many variables can hinder experiencing the feeling of success. A child learning a new skill that results in failure time and time again may begin to show frustration, anger, and result in shutting down.
LLR suggests when a child puts forth effort to acquire a new skill, regardless of success or failure, it is wise to praise their effort. Avoiding statements such as, "Good try, but next time try harder." lead to diminishing a child's effort to continue to try. Effort implies indirect success...trying is putting forth effort and praising for effort (PFE) encourages a child to take a risk again, and again until they truly reach success.
Research is supportive of positive statements, such as, “You worked very hard to complete your sentences for your writing assignments. Your effort is wonderful!” Although the child may have only written one to two sentences, praise is focused on what was accomplished. That approach is exactly how intrinsic motivation is cultivated: focus on what has been accomplished!